Volunteer Needs

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."  //  1 Peter 4:10 
Here you'll find special serving opportunities for either unique events or specific needs.
Should you wish to volunteer for a ministry that is not below, we are happy to connect you with another ministry.
We desire for everyone to use their spiritual gifts for the magnification of God and feel a part of the church family as well. 

Kitchen Team

The Kitchen Team is a new ministry we are looking to form and help us with coordinating all our kitchen needs for special events such as potlucks, memorial services, ministry meetings, play performances, and more!
This does not mean you have to attend every event, but you'll be part of team who helps organize set up, clean up, inventory supplies, volunteers, and food needs for these particular events.
If you're interested or have questions please reach out to Craig@villagecalvary.org.

Shine Children's Ministry

Our children's ministry is still looking for a few more volunteers to help with our 4th & 5th grade class. Curriculum and crafts are provided for you. If interested, please see a volunteer at our children's check-in table & they'll get your connected to the right person.

Livestream/Tech Team

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings to ensure that our service has visuals and is streamed on our website. Our livestream/tech team is looking for a few more volunteers to learn ad run our worship slides as well as our livestream system. If interested, please see Britney Farr or click here.

Greeting Team

It is important that when people walk into Village Calvary that they feel welcomed, cared for, and loved. This is what our greeters do each Sunday for both regular members of our church and visitors. Help us care for others by making them feel welcomed by joining our greeting team. If interested, please see Remus Melendez or click here.

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Sign up for our email list to get reminders and bulletins so you don't miss what's happening and how you can help the family of God.